This took a while: quite a bit of migration work had to be done to move on with current opensource state of the art: Gladly announcing hereby that the main opensource development is now going to take place on gitlab:
Some of the major changes involved:
- All code now hopefully LGPL compatible
- Vendor specific protocol details mangled into ‘compatibility mode’
- Dynamic property and basic proxy support
- Automated testing integrated into gitlab Continuous Integration pipeline
- Protocol revision 0x2 with improved up/downward compatibility: Note: Vendor specific protocol extensions are no longer supported in this branch.
Work in progress / road map:
- Extended memory regression tests to be merged into gitlab CI (valgrind, etc.)
- Python 3.0 support (volunteers welcome)
- Migration of more examples and reference implementations into OpenSource
- Total elimination of any future dual licensing issues and corresponding maintenance overhead
SCADA integration
The pvdevelop rapid prototyping tool from the pvbrowser SCADA software suite was patched to allow direct integration with a netpp property manager framework. Creating a GUI is very simple: Place a widget, give it the ObjectName of a netpp Property, compile, run and open up the connection to a netpp device. The GUI for the example server (devices/example/slave) supports almost all standard widgets from the pvserver Qt widget library.