Time to take new challenges: I have suspended all office operations for good and we have successfully completed migration to another country. Meaning, this website will go private in future and only legacy support for IP cores are offered. In detail:
- ICEbear Plus is no longer sold
- netpp nodes are produced by a third party on request (sales suspended)
- Video streaming IP: dagobert MJPEG encoder will be maintained until end of 2024 for the Lattice ECP 5 series only
- Several opensource projects will no longer be maintained and may be provided as Docker containers only. Links to repositories:
- MaSoCist SoC building environment: [ https://github.com/hackfin/MaSoCist ] [ Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/hackfin/masocist/ ]
- netpp (network property protocol library): [ https://gitlab.com/hackfin/netpp ]
Note that you can no longer get support for OpenSource, they are provided ‘as is’, with possibly lacking licence clarity