devlib.h File Reference

devlib.h 298 2010-09-14 13:01:29Z strubi


int APIDECL dcDeviceOpen (const char *port, DEVICE *deviceP)
 Open Device on port by name.
int APIDECL dcDeviceClose (DEVICE c)
 Close device communication port and free Device.
int APIDECL dcDevice_GetRoot (DEVICE d, TOKEN *t)
 Get root namespace descriptor token of current device.
int APIDECL dcProperty_Select (DEVICE d, TOKEN parent, TOKEN prev, TOKEN *out)
 Select a property in the property and feature hierarchy.
int APIDECL dcProperty_ParseName (DEVICE d, const char *propname, TOKEN *out)
 Get a property handle (TOKEN) by name.
int APIDECL dcProperty_GetProto (DEVICE d, TOKEN p, DCValue *proto)
 Get a property prototype by token This function is needed to query a property by token.
int APIDECL dcProperty_GetName (DEVICE d, TOKEN p, DCValue *name)
 Get name of a property which is only known by token.
int APIDECL dcDevice_GetProperty (DEVICE d, TOKEN p, DCValue *value)
 Get the property value of the device.
int APIDECL dcDevice_SetProperty (DEVICE d, TOKEN p, DCValue *value)
 Set the value of a device property.
int APIDECL dcDevice_GetHubName (DEVICE d, const char **name)
 Returns the Hub name of the open device.
int APIDECL dcValue_ToString (DCValue *val, char *outs, int len)
 Converts DCValue into string representation.
FeedbackFuncP APIDECL dcSetFeedback (DEVICE d, FeedbackFuncP func)
 Sets device feedback function.
LogFuncP APIDECL dcSetLogFunc (LogFuncP func)
 Set Log function.
const char *APIDECL dcGetErrorString (int error)
 Verbose error string query of an error code.

Detailed Description

Generated on Thu Feb 24 13:50:16 2011 for Device Control library by  doxygen 1.6.1